Scheme of Work Term 1
1. Revision/Sound waves, resonance, dispersion of white light, optical instrument
2. Energy and society
· Identify the sources of energy
· Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
· Uses of energy
· Importance of energy in development of society
· Impact/effect of energy use on the environment
· Identify energy sources that are environmentally friendly and those that are hazardous to the environment
· Conservation of energy
3. Properties of wave
· Interference of waves (light and sound)
· Diffraction of waves (sound and light)
· Polarization of light
· Application in polaroid
4. Gravitational field
· Newton’s law of universal gravitation ‘G’ as a universal constant
· Solar system
· Kepler’s law
· Natural and artificial satellites
· Escape velocity
5. Electric field
· Shunt and multiplier
· Resistivity and conductivity
· Principle of potentiometer
· Measurements of electric current
· Measurements of Potential difference
· Measurements of Resistance
· Measurements of E.M.F of a cell
· Electrical conduction through liquids and gases
· Electrolytes and non-electrolytes
· Conduction of charged electrolytes
· Voltammeter
· Electroplating
· Hot cathode emission
· Applications
· Faraday’s laws of electrolysis
· Coulomb’s law
6. Concept of electric field
· Electric field intensity
· Electric potential
· Capacitance
o Definition of capacitance
o Arrangement of capacitors in a circuit
o Energy stored in a charged capacitor
7. Current electricity
· Production of electric current from primary and secondary cells i.e. wet and dry cell
· Potential difference and electric current through materials
8. Electrical energy and power
· Shunt and multiplier
· Resistivity and conductivity
· Measurement of electric current, potential difference, resistance, E.M.F and internal resistance of a cell
9. Magnetic field
· Concept of magnetic field
· Magnetic field around a bar magnet, a straight conductor carrying current, a solenoid
· Temporary and permanent magnets
· Application of electromagnetic field
· Description and uses of mariner’s compass
· Magnetic force on a moving charge
10. Electromagnetic field
· Concept of electromagnetic field
· Current carrying solenoid in a magnetic field
· Applications of electromagnetic field
· Electromagnetic induction
· Eddy currents
11. Simple A.C circuits
· Graphical representation of E.M.F, current in an A.C circuit
· Peak and R.M.S values
· Series circuit containing resistance, inductance and capacitance

Scheme of Work Term 2

1. Model of the atom: concept of the atom. Rutherford, Bohr, electron – cloud models, limitations of physical models

2. Nucleus: Radioactivity, Nuclear reaction, Nuclear power and atomic bombs. Nigeria’s Nuclear energy Programme

3. Energy quantization: energy levels in atoms. Photoelectric effect, Einstein photoelectric equation and its explanation, thermionic emission, x-rays. Duality of matter; wave-particle Duality

4. Battery: construction of batteries. Electroplating; electroplate a suitable electrode. Application of electromagnetic field, transmission system, transformer

5. User of machines: Need for the use of machines in doing work, instances of the use of machines. Repairs and maintenance of machines. Dams and energy production; Location of dams for producing electricity in Nigeria. Principle of production of electricity from dams

6. Rockets and satellites; component part of rockets and satellites; functions of rockets and satellites and uses. Niger –sat 1: features of Niger – sat 1, mode of operation and uses. NIGCOMSAT 1: features, operation and uses


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