Scheme of work for Term 1

1. Introduction to Physics as a subject, analysing the different aspects of physics 

2. Physical quantities and measurement 

3. Time concept

4. Motion in nature

5. Friction

6. Concept of position, distance, displacement, speed and velocity

7. Rectilinear acceleration

8. Density, relative density, upthrust and Archimedes' principle

9. Pressure and practical applications

Scheme of work for Term 2

1. Revision/Heat energy, concept of heat and temperature

2. Thermometer and its types

3. Expansivity - expansion of solids, effect and applications 

4. Expansivity - linear, area and volume; anomalous expansion of water, real and apparent

5. Heat transfer, conduction, convection, radiation and their applications, sea and land breeze; thermos flask

6. Electric charges production, types, distribution and storage

7. Gold leaf electroscope and its uses. Lightning and lightning conductors

8. Field concept and types of field, gravitational, electric and magnetic field, the force of gravity, shapes and dimension of the earth

9. Electric field: lines of force, properties of lines of force, description and properties of force field 

10. Production of continuous electric current via Chemical energy, heat energy, mechanical energy and solar energy

Scheme of work for Term 3

1. Revision/Concept of electricity – electric current, potential difference, electromotive force, resistance and their units. Ohms law. Factors affecting electrical resistance of a conductor, resistivity and conductivity

2. Resistor in series and parallel, cells in series and parallel. Calculations

3. Electrical energy and power. Buying of electric current

4. Safety devices, detecting faults in circuits

5. Particle nature of matter, atomic structure, state of matter, diffusion, osmosis, Brownian motion

6. Crystal structure of mater – Amorphous and crystalline structure 

7. Surface tension – definition, effects, application and reduction, simple calculations

8. Capillarity – adhesion, cohesion and application

9. Elasticity – Hooke’s law, tensile stress, tensile strain and young modulus

10. Energy in elastic materials


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