Scheme of Work for Term 1
1. Concept of position, distance and displacement in relation to X – Y plane


· Concept of scalar and vector quantities

· Vector representation, the addition of scalars and vector.

· Resolution of vectors and resultant

3. Derivation of the equations of linear motion

· Motion under gravity

· Calculations using these equations

4. Projectile and its applications

5. Newton’s law of motion

· Conservation of linear momentum and conservation of energy

· Collisions

6. Equilibrium of forces 1 

· Principle of moment

· Conditions for the equilibrium of rigid bodies under the action of parallel and non-parallel force

7. Equilibrium of force 2

· Centre of gravity and stability

· Couple

8. Simple harmonic motion

· Definition

· Explanation of simple harmonic motion

· Its Displacement, acceleration, period, frequency

· Energy of simple harmonic motion

· Force vibration and resonance

9. Machines · Types and examples, Calculations on machines

Scheme of Work for Term 2
1. Revision/Heat energy – temperature and its measurement

2. Heat capacity and specific heat capacity, methods to determine the specific heat capacity

3. Calculations on specific heat capacity

4. Evaporation, boiling and melting points and their determination. Effect of impurities and pressure on boiling point and melting point

5. Latent heat – fusion and vaporizations and verification

6. Vapour pressure – saturated and unsaturated vapour pressure and its relation to boiling. Demonstration of vapour pressure using simple experiments. Humidity, relative humidity, dew point and its relationship with weather

7. Gas laws – Boyle’s, Charles’, pressure law and general gas law

8. Production and propagation of waves – ripple tank, types of waves, general wave equation

9. Properties of waves – reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference and polarization, and their applications where necessary

10. Light waves – source, reflection, reflection in plane and curved mirrors

11. Refraction of light – refractive index, its determination, total internal reflection and critical angle.

Scheme of Work for Term 3
1. Revision/triangular glass prism, rectangular glass block, angle of deviation and calculations, real depth and apparent

2. Lenses – concave and convex, ray diagrams, lens formula and calculations

3. Optical instruments – camera, projector, telescope, microscope and periscope

4. Optical instruments – binoculars, human eyes and its defects

5. Dispersion of white light: pure and impure spectrum. Recombination of components of spectrum using colour filter, newton disk

6. Dispersion of white light: colours and paints, mixing, determinations of refractive index 

7. Sound waves: production, transmission, speed of sound in solid, liquid, air, noise and music

8. Sound waves; effects of temperature and pressure on the velocity of sound, functions of hearing aids

9. Resonance; vibration in pipes and stings; musical instruments, harmonics and overtones


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