We make and use waves every day in different forms. All forms of waves transfer or transmit energy from one place to another through a medium or a vacuum. Radio and television communications are possible because waves are produced at the transmitting station and are transferred in form of energy to our radio and television sets. The radio and television sets only transform the energy of the wave to sound and pictures. All forms of communications involve the making of waves at one end, and the use of waves at the other end. The energy of the sun reaches us here on earth in the form of waves. One common form of wave to be discussed in this chapter is the water wave. We will also consider some properties of waves.


At the end of this section, students should be able to:   

·              generate mechanical waves;

·              state the important characteristics of waves;   

·              produce circular and plane waves using ripple tanks;

·              generate and demonstrate longitudinal and transverse waves using suitable materials;

·              classify waves into longitudinal and transverse waves by using mode of vibration and direction of propagation;

·              identify the crest, trough, amplitude, wavelength and points in phase on a given sine waveform;   

·              explain compression, rarefaction, period, cycle and frequency as they apply to waves;   

·              derive and use the relationship between wave velocity, wavelength and frequency;   

·              identify light as electromagnetic waves.

What is a wave?

If a stone is dropped into a still pond or pool of water, the following will be observed:

·              the water is disturbed where the stone hits the water surface;

·              ripples travel out from the point where the water is disturbed.

Figure 11.1: When a stone is dropped in water it produces ripples.

 A ripple is a travelling disturbance called a pulse. The kinetic energy of the stone is transferred to the water and moves away from the point of disturbance as a ripple or pulse. A continuous periodic disturbance of the water surface generates succession of ripples or pulses, which travel away from the point of disturbance. The motion of the ripples away from the point of disturbance is called wave motion.

A wave is a disturbance which transfers energy from the point where a medium is disturbed to other parts of the medium without any transfer of the particles of the medium between the points.

A wave motion is a succession of ripples transferring energy through a vacuum or a medium without transferring particles of the medium between the points.

Two important characteristics of waves are the wave motion and the vibration of the particles of the medium. Waves transfer energy away from the point where the medium is disturbed to other parts while the particles of the medium vibrate about their mean positions.

Mechanical waves do not transfer particles of the medium along with energy. The particles vibrate but remain in their fixed positions.

We can demonstrate that waves do not carry particles along with the experiment below.

·                    Generate waves on a pool of water by dipping a long stick at regular interval.

·                    Place a cork on the path of the wave moving away from the point of disturbance.

·                    Observe the movement of the cork. What do you notice about its movement as the wave passes under it?

As the wave pass under the cork, it moves up and down (to and fro) but does not travel along with the wave. This proves that waves transfers only energy as it travels through a medium.

Types of waves

Waves are classified as mechanical or electromagnetic.

Mechanical waves

A mechanical wave needs a medium to transfer its energy away from the source.

Energy is transferred through the medium but the particles of the medium are not carried along by the wave. They only vibrate about their mean or fixed position. Mechanical waves include waves travelling through springs, water waves and sound waves.

Production of mechanical waves

A stone dropped in water makes the water particles vibrate. The result of disturbing the medium is that waves are set up in the medium.

Mechanical waves in ropes and springs

To produce a mechanical wave in a rope, one end of the rope is fixed and the free end is moved up and down as shown in Figure 11.2. A pulse travels along the rope. If the hand is moved up and down periodically, successions of pulses travel along the rope to set up a mechanical wave in the rope.


Figure 11.3: Production of mechanical wave in a rope

Fig. 11.2: Producing a mechanical wave in a ropes

Figure 11.4: Mechanical waves in a rope


Mechanical waves can be produced in springs as shown in Figure 10.5.

Figure 11.5: Mechanical waves in springs

Water waves

The ripples produced in Figure 10.1 are waves travelling on water. Water waves are mechanical wave. They are produced in the school laboratory using a ripple tank. (Figure 10.6).

Figure 11.6: Ripple tank and production of circular and plane waves


A ripple tank is a shallow tank with a glass base, a lamp placed above the tank and a white screen placed under it. The lamp is used to form the image of the ripples or waves produced on the white screen.

Waves are produced by dipping an object in and out of water at regular intervals. Circular or spherical waves are produced by dipping a finger, the sharp point of a pencil or a spherical dipper into the water. Plane waves are produced by using a straight dipper like a ruler or the side of a rod.

Wave front

Any periodic disturbance of a medium always generates waves. The waves produced spreads out from the source of the waves to other parts of the medium. The particles A, B and C in Figures 11.7 and 11.8 are always the same distance from the source of the waves and also are subject to the same vibration. They are said to be in phase.

Wave front is the line or curve which joins all the particles vibrating in phase. There are two types of wave fronts; the circular or spherical wave front and the plane or straight wave front. Circular wave front spreads out in all directions as the wave travels away the source while the plane wave front spreads out in one direction only.

Fig. 11.7: Circular or spherical wave fronts

Figure 11.8: Straight and plane wave fronts


The lines normal or radial to the wave fronts are called rays. Rays indicate the direction the wave is travelling. Plane wave fronts have parallel rays while circular wave fronts diverge in all directions as the wave spreads from the source of the wave.


Electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic waves do not need a medium to transfer its energy from one point to another.

Electromagnetic waves consist of electric and magnetic fields vibrating at right angles to each other. The family or group of waves called electromagnetic waves are radio waves, infrared waves, visible light, ultra-violet rays, X-rays and gamma rays. Electromagnetic waves can pass a vacuum travelling at a constant speed of 3.0 ×108 m.

There are basically two major ways of classifying waves.

·                    Requirement or non-requirement of medium of propagation, (i.e. mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave).

·                    Wave direction compared with the direction of vibration of the particle of the medium, (i.e. transverse or longitudinal wave.)


A wave which travels along a medium transferring energy from one part of the medium to another, is a progressive wave. A progressive wave is also called travelling wave because it transfers energy outward from the source.

Figure 11.9: Progressive or travelling wave


A standing or stationary wave is formed when two waves travelling in the opposite direction meets or by superimposition of incident wave and its reflection. The amplitude of a standing or stationary wave varies along the wave.

Figure 11.10: Standing or stationary wave


Progressive or travelling waves are divided into transverse and longitudinal waves.


Transverse waves

A transverse wave is a wave in which the vibration of the medium transmitting the wave is at right angles (perpendicular) to the direction the wave is travelling.

Figure 11.11: A transverse wave


As the wave passes through the medium, its particles vibrate (move up and down). Vibration of the particles in a transverse wave is perpendicular to the direction the wave is travelling. The peak of the wave is called crest while its lowest depression is called trough.

Crest is the region of maximum upward displacement of the particles from the equilibrium position.

Trough is the region of maximum downward displacement of the particles from the equilibrium position.

Examples of transverse waves are: all electromagnetic waves, water waves and waves in ropes and stings.


Longitudinal waves

In a longitudinal wave, the vibration of particles of the medium are parallel to the direction the wave is travelling.

A longitudinal wave is a wave whose direction of propagation in a medium is parallel to the vibration of the particles of the medium transmitting it. c = compression (region of squeezed particles)

Figure 11.12: A longitudinal wave

r = rarefaction (region of dispersed particles)


As the particles vibrate, they are squeezed or compressed in some parts of the medium. The region where the particles are squeezed is called compression (c). A region of the compressed particles is followed by a region of spaced out (dispersed) particles called rarefaction (r).


Sound waves are waves formed in a compressed spiral spring as shown above are examples of longitudinal waves.


Describing waves

The transverse and longitudinal waveforms are shown below. They are used to define the terms used in describing waves.



Amplitude (A)

Amplitude is the maximum upward or downward displacement of the particles from the equilibrium position. The amplitude is represented by (A) in the transverse progressive waveform above and the unit is metre (m).


Cycle: A cycle is one complete vibration or oscillation of a particle.


Wavelength ( )

Wavelength is the distance between two points on the waveform, which are vibrating in phase. The points may be two successive crests or two successive troughs. We can then define wavelength as the distance between two successive crests or troughs. The unit of wavelength is metre (m).


Frequency (f)

Frequency is the number of vibrations completed in one second. The unit of frequency is hertz (Hz).


Period (T)

Period is the time it takes to complete one vibration or cycle. The unit of period is seconds (s).


Wave velocity (v)

Wave velocity is the distance the wave travelled in one second. The unit of wave velocity is metre per second (ms-1).


Relationship between velocity, frequency and wavelength

Wave velocity, wavelength and frequency are connected by the equation:


Mathematical representation of wave motion

A progressive wave can be represented graphically by a sine or cosine curve as shown in Figure 11.9. Such waves are formed by causing the medium to vibrate. The displacement of the particles of the medium at any time is given by:



In phase

Phase is an important characteristic of a wave. Wave is transmitted through a medium by vibrating particles. These particles are at different positions from the source of the wave and move in different directions. Phase is the term used to describe the position of the particle on the waveform. Particles which are in the same relative position and moving in the same direction, are in phase. Two waves are travelling in phase if they arrive at the same spot with their crests or troughs. Such waves reach their maximum points at the same time.

Figure 11.14a: Waves in phase

The waves X and Y are in phase because their crests and troughs arrive at the same spot at the same time. The points Q and T on the wave Y are in phase because they are in the same relative position and are moving in the same direction.


Out of phase

Particles which are in different positions on the waveform are out of phase. Two waves are out of phase if their crests or troughs arrive at the same spot at different times.

Figure 11.14b: Waves out of phase by


The waves A and B above are out of phase by  the phase angle difference between the starting points of the waves. The wave A started after the wave B had travelled x metres from the source. If  = 180° or radians the two waves are anti-phase. The crest of A arrives at a spot with the trough of B.


General progressive wave equation

Figure 11.15

For the progressive waveform above, the particle, O is at the source while the particle P has travelled a distance (x) from the source. The phase angle difference between O and P is . Starting with the progressive wave equation: and taking into consideration that O and P are out of phase by , we modify the equation above to

Taking simple ratios of the angles (  and 2 ) and the linear distances (x and ) gives:


The letters have their usual meanings. A, and x are as shown in figure 10.15.


Worked examples

1. A radio station broadcast at a wavelength of 20 m. Calculate the frequency of transmission if the velocity of the wave is 3.0 × 108ms-1.   




2. The diagram below represents a wave profile. Calculate the wavelength, frequency, wave velocity, period and amplitude





3. A progressive transverse wave profile in a stretched rope is given by:

The units of x and y are in centimetres and t is time measured in seconds. Calculate the:

     i.        amplitude of the wave;

    ii.        wavelength of the wave;

   iii.        wave velocity;

  iv.        frequency of the wave.




To solve this problem, we will compare the given wave equation with the general wave equation.


(d) frequency of the wave.



·        A wave is a disturbance which transfers energy from the point where the medium is disturbed to other parts of the medium without any transfer of the particles between the points.

·        Waves transfer energy only as they travel through a medium while the particles of the medium vibrate about their mean positions.

·        Wave front is the line or curve which joins all the particles vibrating in phase. Two types of wave fronts are the circular or spherical wave front and the plane or straight wave front.

·        Rays are the lines normal or radial to the wave fronts. Rays indicate the direction of the wave is travelling.

·        A transverse wave is one in which the particles of the medium transmitting the wave vibrate at right angle (perpendicular) to the direction the wave is travelling.

·        Crest is the region of maximum upward displacement of the particles from the equilibrium position.

·        Trough is the region of maximum downward displacement of the particles from the equilibrium position.

·        A longitudinal wave is a wave whose direction of propagation in a medium is parallel to the vibration of the particles of the medium transmitting it.

·        The region in a wave where the particles are squeezed is called compression (c). The region of the compressed particles is followed by a region of spaced out (dispersed) particles called rarefaction (r).

·        A mechanical wave needs a medium of propagation to transfer its energy to other parts of the medium.

·        Electromagnetic waves do not need a medium to transfer its energy from one point to another.

·        Amplitude is the maximum upward or downward displacement of the particles from the equilibrium position.

·        Wavelength is the distance between two successive crests or troughs.

·        Wave velocity is the distance the wave travelled in one second. Frequency is the number of vibrations completed in one second.

·        A progressive wave is a wave which is free to travel outward from the point of disturbance to other parts of the medium.

·        A standing or stationary wave is a wave which is trapped in the medium. It is not free to travel away from medium.

·        Phase refers to particles which are in the same relative position and are moving in the same direction. Two waves are travelling in phase if they arrive at the same spot with their crests or troughs. Particles, which are in different positions on the waveform, are out of phase. Two waves are out of phase if their crests or troughs arrive at the same spot at different times.


Practice questions 11a

1. (a) What is a wave?

(b) In an experiment to find the wave velocity of water wave, a girl used a vibrating dipper of frequency 20 Hz to produce a wave of wavelength 5 cm. What is the speed of the wave?


2. (a) What is a wave motion?

(b) How will you demonstrate that a mechanical wave transmits only energy?

(c) Describe the motion of the particles of the medium.


3. State two:

(i) differences between a mechanical wave and an electromagnetic wave;

(ii) examples of each for mechanical and electromagnetic waves.


4. (a) Define the following: transverse wave and longitudinal wave.

(b) State the differences between transverse and longitudinal waves.

(c) Give two examples each of transverse and longitudinal waves.


5. (a) Define the terms frequency, wavelength and wave velocity;

(b) Derive a mathematical equation linking the three terms in (a) above.

(c) A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 1.062 ×108Hz. At what wavelength is the station broadcasting if the speed of wave is 3.0 ×108ms-1?


6. (a) Explain the terms: phase, in phase and out of phase as applied to waves.

(b) Make a sketch of a transverse waveform and indicate on your sketch:

(i) two points vibrating in phase;

(ii) two points vibrating out of phase;

a particle whose relative positions is from the origin of your sketch.


7. What is a progressive wave?

A progressive wave profile is given by:

(i) What do the symbols A, x and    represent?

(ii) Sketch the wave and indicate the positions of A, x and   .

(iii) A particular wave profile is given by: y = 0.08sin (10 x) Calculate the wavelength of the wave.


8. (a) Define wavelength, frequency and wave velocity;  (b) Radio waves transmitted from certain a radio station is represented by the wave equation

y = 0.75sin (0.67 x – 2×108 t).

Calculate the:

(i) wavelength of the wave;

(ii) frequency of the wave;

(iii) velocity of the wave.

y, x are in metres while t is in seconds


9. (a) Define frequency and period of a wave,

(b) The diagram above is a transverse progressive wave profile. Use the diagram to answer the following questions.

(i) What is the wavelength of the wave? (ii) What is the period and frequency of the wave? (iii) Calculate the speed of the wave in ms-1.


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